black and white bed linen

Prabangios pertvaros

Aukštos kokybės metalų ir stiklo pertvaros, suteikiančios išskirtinumo ir prabangos pojūtį jūsų namams.

Prabangios pertvaros

Aukštos kokybės metalų ir stiklo pertvaros, suteikiančios išskirtinumo jūsų namams.

Individualūs sprendimai

Siūlome pritaikytus sprendimus pagal jūsų poreikius ir pageidavimus, kad atitiktų jūsų viziją.

A grid of frosted glass panels is framed by dark metal bars, creating a minimalist architectural pattern. In front of the panels, a dark railing runs horizontally across the lower part of the image.
A grid of frosted glass panels is framed by dark metal bars, creating a minimalist architectural pattern. In front of the panels, a dark railing runs horizontally across the lower part of the image.
Spalvų pasirinkimas

Pasirinkite iš 8 standartinių spalvų, kad jūsų pertvara atitiktų jūsų interjero stilių.

A wall composed of multiple glass blocks arranged in a grid pattern. The blocks are transparent but have a frosted texture, partially obscuring the light and view behind them. Below the glass block section is a horizontal metal rail, with a smooth, reflective surface, and beneath it a section of concrete wall with a slightly rough texture.
A wall composed of multiple glass blocks arranged in a grid pattern. The blocks are transparent but have a frosted texture, partially obscuring the light and view behind them. Below the glass block section is a horizontal metal rail, with a smooth, reflective surface, and beneath it a section of concrete wall with a slightly rough texture.

Puikus pasirinkimas! Mūsų namai tapo prabangesni, o pertvaros suteikė išskirtinumo. Rekomenduoju visiems, kurie ieško kokybės ir stiliaus.

Laura M.

A wall composed of vertical metallic panels with a section of glass blocks running vertically. The glass blocks have a grid pattern, with the number 22 displayed near the top. A section at the bottom of the glass blocks is covered by red bricks. Shadows cast from unseen objects create patterns on the metallic surface.
A wall composed of vertical metallic panels with a section of glass blocks running vertically. The glass blocks have a grid pattern, with the number 22 displayed near the top. A section at the bottom of the glass blocks is covered by red bricks. Shadows cast from unseen objects create patterns on the metallic surface.
